Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Doodle Story

Here is the next installment of the "STORY BEHIND THE DOODLES!"

Unlike most of my doodles, which spring mostly from my imagination, this waterlily design was inspired from a real physical object, but probably NOT where you think. I was not Monet sitting in the garden, or Kermit floating on a lily pad, but rather a daughter sitting in my father's kitchen on his birthday. While dad grilled meats and the family shared stories, I found inspiration to sketch in a small forged object on the table. My father is a hobbyist blacksmith (a very good one I may add) and he had forged this beautiful waterlily for an upcoming show he was in... It was so unique and beautiful (and so unlike the usual flowers i draw), I was immediately inspired to copy it! I love my version of his version of the waterlily, especially the colors, which are so vibrant and happy. I hope you do to!

At the time of this posting I am unsure if my dad has any waterlilies left (he sold out of them at the show and I am not sure if he kept one for himself). If I can I'll post a follow up picture of the piece that inspired the doodle!

1 comment:

Janice said...

Those are lovely and vibrant!